Saturday, July 19, 2008
Juz quit my job at JBP last saturday. I will really miss working there as well as the interesting people working there. I want to thank them for teaching me lot of things as well as entertain me when i am bored coz working at the information counter is really damn tiring and bored. Lucky got khoo yu, wei fu, Dian and tiffany to accompany me. Haha will also miss those people who only work at JBP during weekend. One such person is Chanel. She really got a very unique name and I juz dunno why when she talk to me or when she stand close to me I will be really high.wahaha. And did I mention she is quite pretty too. At least get to spent some private moment with her during my last day. Wahaha. We both took the panorail to the lory loft station and it's juz the two of us inside the cabin. Hehehe. Really had a nice chat with her. Hope I got leave a deep impression to her.
Then sunday me, Khoo yu and Wei fu went to JBP coz it's the last time i can go in free. But i was sad to know that it was Chanel off day. Damn should have ask her along. Then something very funny happen. When we walk in, everyone was shocked to see us. And we all thought that they are shock to see me. Actually they are shock to see wei fu with us. Then suddenly Tiffany tell Wei fu that he is suppose to work that day. It is not his day off. Then IDA took the schedule out and to our surprise he is really suppose to work that day. He was like really scare la. Then IDA say nvm we juz go and enjoy ourself and she will settle it.
One of my most favourite person, Dian....haha.
My name tag and access card.
; You promised me the sunrise,
under that tree at 12:39 AM ♥