Thursday, October 23, 2008
Haha in less than 24hrs I will be in NS le. Haha serving my country for two years. Anyway yesterday had dinner at grandmum house. Such a wonderful and delicious dinner. Then went home. Haha then around 1.30a.m went drinking with my bro, my bro friend, Tiff and Pear. Haha Pear invited herself. Coz she was talking to me on msn and say we nv jio her so I jio her lor. And that stupid Tiff drive there on her own w/o telling us. The guys need to waste money to take cab sia. Haha I think the girls are bored to death by our conversation coz we are talking about army stuffs. My bro friend tml ORD and me tml enlisting. Funny man.Nv slp the entire night and I think I properly can't slp tonight too. Morning went to buy my goggle coz yesterday I keep pulling the strap and it broke. Then went to NYP to do the focus group thing. Went home after that. Seriously not in the mood to go out so decide to stay at home to blog. And I dunno when will be the next time I blog le. I think after the two weeks of confinement I will be back to be the happy me.Alot of people keep telling me dun chiong in NS coz I am not signing on. Somemore I am in PES C. So now I think I will keep a low profile in NS. Last time I want to chiong to be a sergent. Now I want to be in admin. Haha. I want to ask my friends all the chao keng techniques le. Haha. But ok la coz my BMT is only 7 weeks. Unlike others where they have to go for 13 weeks or 9 weeks. So I am consider quite lucky le.I think I am going to miss a lot of things. Like my favourite foods, my dearest friends and family, hanging out with friends for a drink or to talk cock and of coz bell bell too. Before I go off, these are my message for some people. (Hope it's not my last coz anything can happen to a person juz like that.)To my family: Muz take care of yourself and brother and sister take good care of mum. Don't let her over stress herself and good luck in your studies and work. And don't mess up my stuffs when I am not at home. I seriously hate it when you guys touch my stuffs. And desmond yap don't use my laptop coz I got a lot of sms and photo stored inside.To da mei, er mei and xiao mei: Haha good luck in your studies and exam. And muz meet up for dinner at least once a month. You all can start saving money for the bet le. It's still early to save now. Some how I got this feeling that whether I win or lose, I am still the one treating you all. I will definitely miss going out with you all. Haha. Hm...maybe the next time you all see me, I will be very tanned, muscular, not so fat and will fall in the shuai ge category le. Ya I know you all will proberly be laughing right now. So let juz wait and see. Actually I was thinking of playing a game leh. If I call you all and you all ans the call, I will treat you all donut, cheescake, chicken essence etc. And if you all nv ans my call, you all can treat me. But don't treat meal la coz meal is for the bet liao. ON ma???? On tell me. Haha I think I will miss you all the most.To Ah poon and vincent: I will be seeing you all soon. Haha. Wait for me Vincent we may complete our BMT together. Let's get fit and scolding by our sergent together.To Pear: My shopping and outing buddy quickly go find a boyfriend la so that no one will mistake us le. It's very difficult for me to find a girlfriend now leh coz a lot of people keep thinking that we are couple where in fact we are not. Like that the girls don't dare to approach me sia. Haha. Allan not bad. Can consider him. If you feel bored call Allan. He told me he is available for you 24/7. Haha and take care of yourself leh. "If" I have the time I will call you. "If" only so don't look forward to it. Haha.To Mindy: Take good care of your health. I notice that you fall sick easily nowaday. Drink more herbal tea. Make use of your leave to rest instead of going out. I don't really know when will be the next time we meet coz I can only book out during weekend and you may not be in Singapore during weekend. But feel free to ask me out during one of the weekend if you are free. So promise me that you will keep in touch with me even though we won't see each other more often ok? Take good care of bell bell too. And hope that you will find a good guy to take care of you soon. Haha.That's all people. Hope to see you guys soon. Actually can jio me out on deepavali coz I think I can book out.
; You promised me the sunrise,
under that tree at 1:40 PM ♥
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Haha this morning is damn boring coz nothing to do. Haha and dun feel like crushing my bro or Pear lesson coz I will feel bad la. So I typically play my PSP the whole afternoon. Haha then meet my my bro, Terence and Felix for dinner. The gay gathering. I am cfm straight de but the rest I dunno. Haha Terence drive us to East Coast to eat. After dinner went siglap to drink. I keep wanting to get drunk and so they order the flamin lamborghini n tequila pop for me. In the end I am still not drunk. Juz a bit high and keep talking cock. Until my bro had to control what I am saying.
Tml the whole family is having dinner together coz my grandmum is going to cook. Actually is to give me a nice dinner before I go NS. But very scarely la coz my uncles, aunty, cousins are invited too. Make it like I am not coming back like that. opp touch wood!!!
And ya this morning when I woke up suddenly got a mild sore throat... Hmm who spread the virus to me. Haha. Have been having this bad dream lately. Keep having a bad feeling becoz of this dream. This is one time where I hope my dream won't come true.

OMG!!! The guy in the pic is damn handsome and cool right?? Don't you guys agree with me?? I know probably er mei and xiao mei is going to disagree with me on that. Am I right?? Haha. Enjoy this pic while you still can coz the next time it's is gg to be botak. Haha.
; You promised me the sunrise,
under that tree at 12:42 AM ♥
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Haha ok today morning went to cut my hair. Then went down to changi airport with my bro and Pear coz they gg there to study. Actually they nv ask me to go along. Haha I invited myself. I know I very thick-skin. But I know my limit de la. I went to buy newspaper and went to the viewing gallery to read. And I very stupid sia. Now then I realise that you can't watch the planes taking off or landing at T3 viewing gallery. You can only see the plane passing by. Then rush down to City hall mrt to meet xueli and ee wen (er mei and xiao ei) for dinner. Haha I was late coz traffic jam. Then we went to Popoye at Singapore flyer to eat. Haha I order the 3 pcs chicken and so damn full la. Haha after dinner walk around the flyer. Hm...maybe the next time I go I will go buy the ticket(s). Haha maybe only. Went outside to talk and then went to MS and walk around. Haha then went to braddell to wait for huiyi (Da mei). Haha I got another surprise. They gave me a photo with some notes at the back. Haha. I am really very touched liao. Haha I nearly cried in the bus sia coz I was listening to some emo song and was looking at the photo and reading the things that they have written. But really very happy. I was thinking of bringing the photo during enlistment but scare it will spoilt la. Anyway thx you people for everything. I will miss you all. Haha.
Haha...The photo that they gave me.
The notes that they wrote.
Next time I will be inside...Wahaha.

; You promised me the sunrise,
under that tree at 12:04 AM ♥
Monday, October 20, 2008
Haha today was suppose to have dinner with er mei and xiao mei but xiao mei was sick so did not go in the end. Tahe care leh xiao mei. Dun make me worry about you when I am in army leh. Haha. So in order not to waste my afternoon I went to the TCC at millenia walk to find my bro and Pear coz they so hardworking sia went there to study. And their exam iS in dec and they have already start studying. This is the difference between studying for a diploma and studying for a degree. And they very funny sia. They study on separate table like they are stranger like that. I think I was disturbing them most of the time. Haha then went to bakerzin for dinner. And headed home after that.My mum say I am a very weird and funny people. Coz when I feel emo or frustrated I will do funny and stupid things. Haha my sis will shut herself in her room and watch TV all day w/o bathing and eating. My bro sometime will juz punch me. See I so poor thing. As for me, I normally go to the viewing gallery at changi airport T3 to see the planes. Yes I know sound weird but some how it makes me feel relaxing juz sitting down there reading book/newspaper or watching the planes. I feel very peaceful down there. And sometime I go there alone. Partly is becoz it's quite quiet and nobody will disturb you. It's also a great place to do project too. Haha. Hm...maybe can consider applying a job at changi airport so that when my boss scold me, I can juz go there and calm myself. Haha.Enlisting this friday and people keep your handphone close to you expecially at night coz I might call or sms you when I am bored. If you did not answer my call or reply my sms then you are going to get it from me when I book out after my 2 weeks confinement. Haha.
; You promised me the sunrise,
under that tree at 12:30 AM ♥
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Haha. Thank you my dearest buddies and darlings!!! Wait need to name them first, Andrew, Zhi wei, My bro, Terence, Pear, Stella, Tiff. Yes they really surprise my today. They lied to me that we are going to Tiff condo to swim. But actually they want to give me a surprise farewell. And I really bring my goggle, towel, trunk and extra t-shirt la. And I was very stupid sia. I saw someone at the BBQ pit preparing food. That person was Stella and I don't even recognise her. I also saw some balloons at the BBQ pit. I say to myself :"wa today raining so heavily and still got people want to BBQ ar. Really siao leh." Haha some how indirectly scold them. Sorry leh. But I am really very touch coz they still make the effort to decorate the place. And they still remember that I am enlisting next week. They also very evil la coz they made me cry. Really touch until I cry leh. It's a really fun night. Eating, playing, chatting and gossiping etc. But I still get to swim la coz they throw me into the pool. And guys I really appreciate what you all have done. Even though I know that nothing in this world is forever, I know our friendship are. And Pear I know you organise all this de. You are really my best sister ever. Thanks a lot man. Feel great to know that I am not alone coz I still have people who still think of and care about me.
; You promised me the sunrise,
under that tree at 12:41 AM ♥
Friday, October 17, 2008
Last night went to TTSH in the middle of the night coz I was having chest pain the whole night and having difficulty breathing too. My parent was damn freak out and they quickly send me to hospital. The doctor asks me to relax more, sleep early and eat more vegetable and red meat. My blood pressure is also damn high la. Haha feeling quite guilty coz my parent din really sleep well becoz of me. Damn it la. I went to check my weight. I gain 2kg!!!! I am 78kg now. Really die liao. And I still ate a lot juz now. Went home to rest. Typically sleep through the whole afternoon. Then went out for dinner with Pear, He ming and Jie bin. It’s so long since I last saw those two. Today is their night out so they are meeting us for dinner. Actually it was kind of last min coz tue I was shopping with Mindy for my wallet when I saw Jie bin and his gf. And he suggest a dinner tonight. You know me, I am the very “ON” type so I cfm won’t turn him down. Initially, there was suppose to be a lot of ppl but they say they got something on. All the PS KIA!!! I hate PS KIA!!! Anyway, we went to Astons Specialities. The queue was quite long. Lucky Pear and I went there quite early. Otherwise we will have to wait damn long. It’s my first time going Astons to eat. Haha like the foods and ambience there. Nice place to hang out too. But hate the calories. Haha I dun dare to order the steak even though it look tempting. I like to try new things bit there is always a consequence for trying new thing like the Mac wasabi burger. That was a bad experience for me. The two guys leave first around 8.30 pm coz they still need to book in. So me and Pear went to find a place to drink and talk. But I didn’t drink coz of the doctor advice. I drink carrot juice and eat kinder bueno instead. From what she had told me, I can see that she is quite sad. Actually Pear is a really nice girl and a good friend. She can cook, do housework, has a good temper, good character, pretty, know how to make people laugh etc. Except for maybe being too nagging a bit. She is also not the type of girl who will backstab people or talk bad things about people. Till now I haven’t even see her angry or quarrelling with any of her friends. This is what I call true friend. And I juz dunno why that guy treat her so bad. He treats her like she is invisible and does not exist at all. Don’t deny Pear I did see how he treat you with my own eyes. It juz show that he can’t appreciate a good girl who is right in front of him. If you ask me, I don’t think he is that good. Come on girl cheer up la it’s not like it is the end of the world. And there is still many good guys out there especially a guy who is still stupidly waiting for you leh. Haha ya I am talking about your dear old friend Allan. Haha I think he is still waiting for you all these years sia. See he is so devoted. Where to find this kind of guy now. Our dinner juz now:

Haha next week will probably stay at home the entire week coz I dun think I will be in the mood to go out. Some more I still need to buy my army stuffs.
Haha last night wei fu ask me to rank the people who are important in my life. These are the ranking:
(1) My family
(2) My grandmother
(3) ***Reserve for my Ms right***(Still in the process of searching)
(4) Mindy, Pear, Ah poon, Vincent, Da mei, er mei and xiao mei
(5) My aunty
(6) My Poly friends
(7) My IPP colleagues
(8) My JBP colleagues
These are the people who had help me one way or another. They cheer me up when I am sad, help me when I am in trouble, help me see reality and accompany me when I am bored etc. I dunno what I will do if not for them. It's always the same people making me feel contented, at least I'm not alone that feeling. I'm glad to have you guys. All of you means too much to me. Haha. If I forget anyone or if anyone not happy with their ranking tell me. There is still home for changes. Haha.
; You promised me the sunrise,
under that tree at 12:30 AM ♥
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Haha 15th Oct is the day where I truly and really enjoy myself. Really had lots of fun and laugh a lot. Do some activities which I haven't do for a long time. And all thank to Mindy.
Meet her at 8.30 a.m at Tanah Merah station. OMG SHE IS DAMN COOL LA. She drive her cousin mini cooper. I alway want to sit in a mini cooper and my dream came true. Haha.Then she drive us (me and bell bell) to east coast park. It's been so long since I last roller blade le. I keep falling flat on my butt. IT HURT A LOT LA. Then at one point I was very evil coz I keep asking bell bell to pull me. Imagine a small dog pulling a person 10 times it size. Haha then went to her home to bath and change before we head out for lunch. As usual we had MOF for lunch. But this time is at MS. After that went bowling. Shit man I suck like hell. She thrash the shit out of me. I couldn't even hit the 100 mark. She did it so easily la. Haha then we went to play pool coz we havn't had enough fun. This time I am the one winning. Haha. She damn pervert la. She keep using the stick to poke my butt. Haha then she drive to orchard. Had our dinner at crystal jade coz she treating me. She say this is consider a mini farewell for me coz I going NS next week. So sweet la. After dinner she suggest going to party world but I don't want. So in the end she drive me to Changi Airport. Had lot of fun there. She was like a teacher keep telling me about the different types of planes. Actually I know liao but dun want to embarass her. Haha went home around 11p.m. I took a cab home. She wanted to send me but I told her no need coz she cfm tired le.
I know most people after reading my blog may start asking me questions or saying things behind my back. Well that is your mouth and you can say what you like. I can't control it. And all you need to know is there is nothing on going on between the two of us. You can choose to belive or not to belive. I got nothing to hide. I am really tired explaining it le. From now on anyone who say anything I am juz going to heck care.
; You promised me the sunrise,
under that tree at 12:50 AM ♥
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Finally meet up with Ah poon and Vincent today. Can’t decide where to go and what to do so in the end went to the starbuck at Orchard to chill. Haha talk about a lot of stuffs. And Vincent is really so tanned now. Haha Pear and Tiff join us laters. Then we keep asking Pear about her date with that guy yesterday. And Poor Pear have you consider giving up? Haha. Ah poon and Vincent leave first coz they need to book in at night so left me, Pear and Tiff. The two girls keep talking and talking and think that I am transparent. Feeling bored, I used Tiff laptop to surf the web. Decide to change my blog skin coz the previous one too green le. Manage to find this one. Haha. Went to the TCC at boat quay for dinner and we order lots of food to eat. Muz enjoy all the good food while I still can.
Have you ever wondered why some people work so hard for the one thing they value the most, and they still fail? Yeah, that is true coz I’ve come across people like that. It’s kinda sad. But then again, maybe they aren’t putting their heart into it.
I am going NS soon. Hm...will I be missed or will I be forgotten?? I shall know the answer soon.
; You promised me the sunrise,
under that tree at 11:38 PM ♥
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Haha today went changi airport with my mum and my bro to send my sis off coz she going melbourne for a week. Envy her sia. Then from changi airport quickly rush down to chomp chomp coz meeting xueli, ee wen and hui yi there for dinner. Haha I am smart coz I took 858 to khatib mrt station which is much faster than taking 24 or 53. Haha order the usual like chicken wings, fried oyster, satay, sting ray, char kuay teow and sugar cane. Haha then they brought me kinder bueno. So sweet of them. Haha I am really touched. Actually I saw them buying but did not expect it to be for me. Haha. Then we went to a country club and play the true game. Some of their question is damn direct and scary la. What is really scary is they tried to use my handphone to call ____ and was looking at my sms. Haha I was so scare that I jump on the table and try to snatch back my phone. Haha if you all want to see my sms then I am afraid you have to steal my laptop le. Wahaha. After that ee wen drive us to amk. Haha first time see her drive sia and her parking is really like my aunt. Haha. And it's my first time buying car coupon sia. But quite funny sia coz the person ask us which type we want to buy and xueli and I was blur. Wanted to catch a movie but no movie to watch so went to arcade to play. As usual I suck like hell. Haha then went home. I think I look like a kiasu boy coz I was rushing to catch the last bus. Such an enjoyable day and so much calories too.

My favourite chocolate kinder bueno....thx da mei, er mei and xiao mei!!
; You promised me the sunrise,
under that tree at 12:31 AM ♥
Friday, October 10, 2008
Had my dinner at Mindy hse juz now. Initially I am not going. But she told me that she and her mum had already brought all the stuffs so I had no choice but to go coz I don’t want to waste their effort and disappoint them. I meet Mindy first at MS to buy something coz I don’t want to go there empty handed. I brought a Swensen’s ice cream cake and some fruits. I wanted to buy wine but all the good wine are so damn expensive. And if I buy those cheap one, it show that I am not sincere at all.
I feel very awkward and uncomfortable the whole evening so I ate very little. Still have to lie to them that I am on diet coz going NS soon. After that, take bell bell out for a walk with her. We had a good talk and I somehow feel that she is no longer the cheerful girl that I know. I don’t see her laughing, smiling and joking a lot now. But then again maybe I think too much le.
After that meet Pear for supper coz I am still feeling quite hungry. Haha I order chicken wings and satay for myself. Die sia all those calories. Some more I still have a bet with xueli and ee wen to see who can lose the most weight. Loser has to treat the other two. Lucky I am going to NS soon. Otherwise the loser confirms will be me. Anyway Pear finally wants to make her move le. Haha. She intends to ask that guy out this sat. Not bad leh not like me sia!!!
P.S. Those of you who had brought me chocolate, which country is it from ar???
; You promised me the sunrise,
under that tree at 1:17 AM ♥
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Shit man. Today kena cheat by Pear to go east coast to cycle. And I don’t know how to cycle some more. Dun laugh hor even though I know it is quite funny la. A big guy like me doesn’t know how to cycle. Anyway, she told me the usual people are going. In the end it turns out to her mini poly class gathering. I don’t even know them la and feel stupid there. But the real reason is because she wants to show me the guy that she likes. She asks me what I think of that guy some more sia. And haha I am quite evil coz I was trying to set her up with the guy. And she keep scolding me lor. Help her still get scolding. Why you dun appreciate my good intentions! Haha. Haiz Pear don’t say I never help you now hor. I already done my part liao. Better make your move quick. Dun come crying to me if it is too late. But had a good time laughing, though most of the time it's me entertaining myself. Went to siglap for lunch. This is when I start taking photo for them. Then Pear and I went orchard. Had dinner at the imperial treasure restaurant. We order the usual stuffs like xiao long bao, dumplings and noodles. Then there was this angmoh who do not know how to speak chinese at all. He kept saying he wants prawns, so the waitress sort of recommends him some of the famous, but pretty expensive range of food. And he just kept nodding yes yess yess! Wow. Good luck to his wallet! After dinner we went to Hyatt for cheese cake. I LOVE THE CHEESCAKE THERE!!!! Especially the strawberry cheesecake. It simply tastes like heaven. I also like the ambience there.
This strawberry cheesecake simply taste like heaven...

People please take a look at the photo below. So are you guys convince now that there is nothing on going on between Pear and I. That is the guy she like. Very handsome hor. She got good taste sia. Hey Pear I should teach you three steps to capture his heart.
(1)A kiss to his cheek, showing him that he has your support and affections.
(2) Seals your promise to him with a kiss to his cheek.
(3)A romantic embrace showing your love and affection.
Even though your first attempt failed miserable, but I think some day he will be moved by the things that you have done. Hopefully that day will come soon. Haha good luck.
Hope that they can be together quickly.
; You promised me the sunrise,
under that tree at 12:45 AM ♥
Saturday, October 4, 2008
I'm alright. I'm still a happy boy. Did shopping therapy with Pear today. We went Clarke quay and she's so sweet. She found a chance to sneak off and secretly went to buy my favourite chocolate - kinder bueno. Thanks for your hilarious letter too! Love you my best friend.
I want to dedicate this to all my friends. Hope you know who you are.There are a lot of thoughts going on in my head now but how do I put them down in words and sentences? Hmm… I’ll try my best =) Life is full of choice and I always feel that happiness is a choice. If you are feeling sad, you can’t blame it on stuff like chemical imbalances. It’s not gonna go away by taking a few pills. Ultimately, it’s all in the head and it’s all up to you to make yourself feel better.You just gotta learn how to tame your mind. I’m still learning. Life is simple. Yet very often, I find myself reading too much into things. I let my mind wander into places it shouldn’t be and then… bad things happen. I start to think life ain’t good to me. Or worse, I start to doubt people’s intention - their genuine intentions. It’s not fair to them and I’m sorry if I did that to you.Such circumstances could have avoided if I had just practiced a bit of restriction, like telling my mind ‘Okay… This is as far as you should go…’, or ‘I’m done being sad for the day’ because deep inside, I know that most of it just ain’t true. This way, I could save a lot of unhappiness. Time is precious, why spend it being depressed?There are days I wake up feeling like I have nothing. There are days I wake up feeling I have everything. Today, I wake up thankful.Thankful I have hair on my scalp, eyes that see, nose that smells, mouth that talks, limbs that move. Thankful I have shelter over my head, clothes on my body, food and water in the kitchen. Thankful I have a loving family, amazing friends and for being healthy. I’m thankful for the heart that loves and not hate.Of which, I am most thankful for the gift of sight, which enables me to see the beauty in this world, in people, in life. Forget pain and sadness, love is all around.I am luckier than the many millions and billions in this world. Today, I choose to be happy. And I wish everyone will choose to be happy. And I wish everyone will have the gift of Faith, Hope and Charity.Love each day people. Life is short. Cherish every moment. You do not feel depressed because you feel depressed. You have a choice to be happy. And you are happy because you want to be happy. Look around you. Look at yourself. Aren't you contented?? You will realised you are much lucky than you thought. To my friends out there, if you are still feeling depressed, then you have missed a day of happiness. So think again. I'm lucky to have you all in my life. The friendship we shared is true. We know it, at least I know it=) Love you guys.
WOW!! Time really passes too fast. I was lamenting of how slow life is. And now it is already October! It feels like I was still in poly yesterday. It's terrifying of how the clock can go on for 1314000 seconds in 365 days. A lot of stuffs happened this year. But DUH! It’s almost one year, so obviously there will be countless of occasions when I have cried, laughed, hated, loved, whined, complained, screamed, pained. Thinking back, I have met a lot of nice people. Because of the time spent in Techmex, this IPP changed my outlook in life partly because Mindy work there too. I started to cherish each day more. After a hectic day at work, I can’t help but to feel so lucky with all my loved ones in my life. I'm thankful to people who have helped me in one or another way. I'm grateful to people who pulled me up when I fell. I'm gratified to people who encouraged me and supported me through times which seems so wrong to me. I'm appreciative to people who cared and concerned about me throughout the whole year. I felt so loved with people who love me. I felt contented with all of you in my life. Every single one of you, no matter you are someone whom we met at one of those crossroads in life or someone whom stayed in my life. You left a deep foot print in my life and I will never forget you. Too many people to mention here. Every single person who know me, I'm glad to meet you in my life. Because I have loved life, I shall have no sorrow to die. =) . Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile. Till now, I don't have much regrets. I will learn to love each day even more. I will even appreciate sadness, because of unhappiness, I know what's happiness is!These are the resolutions that I have made on the first day of 2008: (1) Love Each Day.(2) Be happier! Move on with no sadness.
(3)Hope Mindy will accept me as her boyfriend. (Even though I know it will be soon)(4) IF 3 fail, then I will continue with my search of my Ms Right! Please appear faster. (5) Hope my result will get better!(6) Change my habit of being Mr Hot Temper (I'm still trying la. Haha)(7) Pack my room more. And make it a cleaner and tidy room.(8) Clear the mess in my wardrobe.(9) Go to Japan to see snow, or canada to see niagara falls=)(10) Get my desired job which have been my dream!(11) IF 9 fail, then hope I get into an UNI!(12) Quickly get my car license.(13) Keep in contact with dear friends. No drifting apart ok?(14) Parents to errrrrr.... cool down and stop nagging. (15) Change my handphone and mp3.(16) To win 4D and ToTo.(17) Go vacation trip with my friends! YEAPPEEEEE!(18) Don't emo so much. Don't want to have sleepless night anymore.(19) Love everyone on earth!(20) Watch PS I LOVE YOU movie with Mindy.(21) Enjoy life more. Live life to the fullest. Have no regrets...Some of it had already been fulfil while others are still in the process. You guys may be wondering why I have so many resolutions. Well because I'm 21 this year, so I'm having 21 resolutions! And I will have this 21 resolutions kept in my mind. And hopefully, I can make all of them come true one by one. Then I will smile and hug myself. Haha, isn't that what resolutions is all about?What's the happiest thing that happened to me this 10 month I have been pondering about that recently. Well the best thing is 100308 though =) It's a sweet day. Some of you should know why. But the happiest thing is... ermm tell you all when I found out the answer. What's yours peeps?!Hopefully, I'll have a happier countdown to 2009 next year with someone special beside me too! HeHe.=)Be glad of life because it gives you the chance to love, to work, to play, and to look up at the stars, although there isn't any stars tonight. But you know they are always there, right? <3Why beautiful things just don't last so let's make 2008 an unforgettable year for us! Hey, everyone who is reading this...I love you all and don’t forget about me ok??
; You promised me the sunrise,
under that tree at 1:25 AM ♥
Friday, October 3, 2008
Haha 22 more days to enlistment. Having mixed feeling now. I will be sad coz will be missing my friends and family. Feel happy coz at least got something to do le.Tue
Celebrate ee wen bdae on tue at amk. Went to catch a movie 1st with xueli, ee wen and huiyi. Haha we watch The House Bunny. The movie was damn funny sia. Quite a nice show and it is way better than the step brother. After that we wait for liqin to have dinner together. Initially we wanted to have fish and co but the queue was damn freaking long so we change to pizza hut instead. Then wait for the guys (jun wen, big ben, Shaun and jun yao) to show up. After cutting the cake some went home, some went town while I went kovan to find sy to get the F1 pass from her. The bus ride is damn boring la so I started smsing a lot of ppl. My bro and tiff scold me siao. And for the first time sy was waiting for me instead of me waiting for her. I stay with her for a while coz she was feeling quite emo. So we started chatting. Stay till around 1a.m to cheer her up. But that’s what friends are for ma. Pear asks me why I want to collect theF1 pass or am I juz using an excuse to see sy. Pls la she and I are history le. It’s no longer possible between us le. Juz dunno why u guys keep talking about me and her. And I want to collect the F1 pass is bcoz I like the pass. That all!!Wed
Meet ah poon and Vincent in the morning for breakfast. Haha they need to book in at night. Then we went to play pool together. I am getting rusty le coz haven been playing for like 6 months le. Then went to TM for lunch coz meeting those gals there. We talk and joke a lot. I am the only guy there that is still not botak. It’s been quite a while since we last gather. But really enjoy the outing with them. Haha.Readers can ignore the following message coz it is for someone else.To you: I know that you are feeling very emotional and terrible this few months. This period of time must have been really difficult for you. I finally understand what you meant by you missed the past and regret your decision. I have tried and you know I have tried everything I could to save the relationship. But I just couldn’t do enough. Love takes two not one. It is all over. Over for you and me. So all we can do now is to get over it and move on. I mean I have to move on, otherwise what else can I do?? And like I say before if you are feeling bored, sad or lonely, I am just a call, sms or e-mail away. I will still be there for you as a friend. But if you are asking for more than a friend that is something I can no longer do. The things that you are doing now will only make me confuse. The more you try to do anything, the more you will make me distant myself from you. I have already made up my mind and nothing is going to change it. I have given up and I suggest that you do the same too. Otherwise it will only make you feel worse. I treasure our friendship now. I know that you will definitely meet someone who is special and destined for you, someone who is worthy of your love. And I know that someone will not be me anymore.
The reason we can’t be together is because we both know that it is difficult for us to be there for each other when we are feeling down. Like where were you when I need you the most and likewise where am I when you need me the most. You were nowhere in Singapore. In fact you are out there on the other side of the world enjoying yourself. When I say that I don’t blame your job, well actually I am blaming it. I am not asking you to quit your job for my sake and I am not that selfish either. It is your dream to be in that job and you have work so hard for it. And I will really be a jerk if I ask you to quit your job. Please don’t quit your job now after reading this message because this is just my own opinion. It does not represent everyone view. It is definitely not worth it to quit your job now after all the hard work and efforts that you have put in. Right now you have my support and do your best to become the greatest SIA stewardess. Everything is already over. There is no point talking and thinking about it anymore. Your name no longer stands for “Mum I Need Daniel Yap”. But I will always remember those happy times that we spent together. Those times that I had with you are really the happiest moment of my life. You really changed me then. Those days with you is really like a fairytale to me. And the day you left me is like a nightmare. Right now, I am still adapting to life without you loving me, motivating me and quarrelling with me etc. But still life has to go on for you and me too. And I hope that life will be better for you even though I won’t be there to cook for you, to love you, to take care of you and to do stupid things with you etc. I am not going to cry right now because I know that even if I cried it won’t change a thing. Even if we could turn back the time, I think the outcome will still be the same. It is very hard to find back what you have lost. Fate can be very cruel sometime because it has separated a couple who used to love each other so damn much. Neither of us can be blame for what had happened today. It wasn’t our fault. It’s just too bad that it had to be a sad ending. Please continue to stay strong and love each day. Do not forget that there are still people out there who are concern about you. Lastly, thank you for the wonderful memories and because of these memories my life will certainly change for the better.
; You promised me the sunrise,
under that tree at 1:05 AM ♥