Sunday, December 28, 2008
Friday is really not my day. I can't mention it here coz they dun allow it. Anyway friday after book out immediately went home to change and meet a few of my ex-colleagues and went to my ex-colleague house at lakeside. First time gg his house sia and we got lost. We didn't sleep the entire night and talk throught the whole night. Morning had breakfast with them and I went home for a quick shower. Went out again at around 9 plus coz I am so bored at home. I went to the cash converter at Jurong East, Admiralty, Toa payoh. Typically almost the whole outlets in Singapore. Haha went there to search for the Vcd for xiao mei. I think I stay at each outlet for like about 30 mins coz there are really a lot of cd there. Haha I search until my eyes become blur sia. But it's better than staying at home and do nothing. Thx xiao mei for at least giving me something to do. Haha. In the end still can't find it. But when there is a will, there is a way. Actually I did manage to find the Vcd at one of Toa payoh vcd shop but it is for rental only. So I am pinning my hope on the last outlet which is at Bedok North. I didn't really have the time to go there as I am meeting my guys at 2.30 for lunch. Haha meet them at somerset for lunch. Talk a lot and they give me some advice on whether I should sign on anot. Initially I don't want to sign on but after hearing from the regular, I am really tempt to sign on. But the problem is I don't like to be tie down with rules and regulations. Do you people think I should sign on? But I think I most probably won't sign on. Evening meet Jun yao, Jun wen, Ben, Ee wen and Jean at Orchard. Haha they are having gift exchange except for me and ee wen. But really funny la when they exchange their gifts. Then went for dinner, walk around and take picture. Jean and Ee wen want to take a natural pic but end up so unnatural. Haha. Ben and Jun Yao left first coz they got something on. So the four of us went to catch a movie. Buy the tickets at cine but walk all the way to cathay at Dhoby Ghaut. I think I really gain weight coz when I step on one of the cable thing, there was a cracking sound. Die sia must really exercise liao. Haha reach home around 12 plus. Will upload the photo next time.Along the way I found out that the bastard Joseph keep insulting PES C people. He keep saying PES C people always chao keng, weak etc. SHIT HIM LA!!! So what if he went SISPEC. What the big deal man. If he is so damn good then he should be in OCS training to be an officer and not in SISPEC training to be sergent. He keep thinking he is so damn good, but I think he is nothing. I think even shit is better than him coz shit can be use as fertiliser. And I don't even know why he is in SISPEC coz he got leadership skill at all lor. I won't forget about the IB project. The way he lead the group is damn sux. He is leading the group in a wrong way. He keep insisting he is right when he is wrong. Ok you all shall be the judge. North korea successful nuclear test and North korea fail missile test, which one will cause high tension? Am I right to say that it is the successful nuclear test? But he keep insisting that it is the fail missile test that will cause high tension. Does he even have any common sense?? I was damn piss off that time that I went to ask the lecturer. And the lecturer say I am right. But the asshole keep insisting he is right. So that time me and Jun yao let him take charge coz we already know that this ica we will be damn screw up. So if anything goes wrong we juz push the blame to him. I really pity Khatib residents for having this kind of people living with them. One of these day I am really gg to punch him in the face if he insult PES C people in front of me. CB man I really can't stand his attitude. Damn F***ing arrogant guy. Did I mention he is also damn cheapo. That time azril ask him to burn a cd for him for the project. Guess what Joseph did. He charge azril money and it's less than $1 leh. I mean come on he charge a friend money leh. WTH sia. You got see other doing that to their friend meh?? If he were to have a girlfriend, I really feel sorry for the girl. If he is invited in the next gathering, I confirm won't go. However if I were to go, get really to see some show. Usually I am a very peaceful person but when someone step on my tail, I will sure make that person life like hell. And joseph juz did that. He is on the top of my black list now. Why am I so angry coz I AM PES C. That mean he is insulting me too.
I laugh like hell when I saw this photo. I am damn nerdy sia.
; You promised me the sunrise,
under that tree at 3:10 PM ♥
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Haha merry xmas to you all. Thank for the present too. Tuesday after booking out went to meet Pear at toa payoh for dinner. I was late becoz of traffic jam and waiting for Dennise and Bernard to sign the book. Haha Dennise saw Pear and ask me to intro. Army guys all like that sia when they know the girl are single. Haha went burger king to eat coz my lunch I din really eat a lot. I keep teasing her about something. Then went to NTUC to buy some stuffs and went home coz I still need to book in the next day even though it end at 12nn. On the bus I was quite evil. Pear and I were talking and then this boy(i think 7 years old) keep disturbing us so I gave him the stern look in my uniform. Instead of shutting his mouth he keep shouting. So I use my ultimate move. I take off my super stinking cap and use it to cover the boy whole face. Haha and he ran away. Haha success!!! Wednesday after booking out went home to change and meet the guys to go Pear hse for dinner. Haha she bake cookies for us sia. Hmm...did she read my blog?? Haha exchange gift. I can only say Ah poon you really know me very well. And Pear...haiz disappointing. Haha during dinner we crap a lot. Anyway the whole evening was really crazy la. I dunno why for some reason Pear mum say I am her potential son-in-law. Really weird la. Haha but I told her "Allan will be your future best son-in-law coz he is wooing Pearlyn now ." Haha and Pear was suddenly very high. Everytime I receive a sms she will disturb me to wish the person merry xmas. Then the rest went to meet their friends so me and Pear went clarke quay. Pear mum specifically instruct me to bring her back by 1130 pm. Really surprise me sia. And I kena molest la. Some idiot molest me. He/she touch my butt. Haha and I was cursing that person. Haha ok going to take this opportunity to complain. I keep telling this person that there is nothing going on between Pearlyn and I. But this person dun belive me. Actually a lot of people dun believe la but kns she is like my sister la. How can brother and sister be together. Yes I know we are very close but there is just no sparks between us. And please stop spreading the rumors that we share dunno what kind of relationship and we are actually together but we never announce it. And dun say I purposely blog this to cover up hor. Shit you all ar. I am not going to suddenly say "hey I like Pearlyn and we are togther and we have success in keeping it a secret for very long." It won't happen in a million years. Anyway this person is being so paranoid and keep smsing me is Pear with me or ask me many qns which I know is direct at me. And I am trying to help not making things worse. And Pear pls don't make life diffiuclt for me.I really hate people who show me attitude when I have done nothing wrong to them. You can show me those shitty atitude coz this only show how childish you are. Really piss off with these kind of people. No point keeping the friendship. And I juz dun care man. Like I say before I dun need many friends. I only need a few true friends.
; You promised me the sunrise,
under that tree at 12:40 AM ♥
Monday, December 22, 2008
SIANZ SIANZ SIANZ.Haha not allow to blog about army stuff anymore. Wednesday only till 12noon and thur no need book in. Happy.Haha who want to watch bed time story with me??? I will pay for the ticket. Haha but can only pay for one ppl. Pear is not included coz someone will get very very jealous and show me attitude. Hmm maybe should stop asking her out liao. Haha. Btw thx for the extremely expensive choco leh Pear. Can't bear to eat it leh. Haha.I find myself missing you even more. But I can't find the courage to say "I love you" to you. I am such a coward and failure.
; You promised me the sunrise,
under that tree at 10:40 PM ♥
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Haha shall post some of the pic during my BMT training. Actually the photo was taken on the last day. So got only two photo.
My family, my friends and my buddies for the past 7 weeks.
So going to miss them very much. Haha.
; You promised me the sunrise,
under that tree at 2:11 PM ♥
Two weeks of leaves is almost over soon. Times really flies. It's like yesterday I juz POC. But really enjoy this two weeks. Fun man. I eat alot and play alot. Tml gg to my new unit. Dunno if I will like it there and if the people there are friendly and good? It would be great if someone would sms to encourage me or wish me all the best. I would be motivated then. Haha. Haha went to Shaun hse yesterday to celebrate his 21st bdae. Lazy to blog about the detail but overall is really fun. Sorry xiao mei for not helping her coz I scare I will make it worse. I think you know what it is. Haha.Haha someone ask me two qn:1st qnYou like this girl very much and is very close to this girl. But the girl does know that you like her coz you confess to her before. Then suddenly came two guys and one of them is your friend. Both of them also like this girl and are thinking of wooing her. And this girl is quite close to one of the guy who is your friend. What would you do? Give up the friendship with the two guys or give up the girl?My ans is give up the girl. Coz it's nv in my nature to fight with others for a girl. Let juz say I have no confidence of winning. It's better to give up now than be utterly sad in the future when the two of you are not together. For me I would even help one of the guy to win her heart. Stupid?? Yes I know but that's me. Haha. I did that many times. 2nd qnAgain you like this girl very much. You confess to her before but she rejected you. However, the two of you are still quite close now. The two of you still went out together and are getting closer and closer. When your friends saw the two of you going out together or are some sort of like behaving like a couple during some gathering and tease that the two of you are together. She did not clarify to them that the two of you are juz friend only and continue letting them tease that you two are couple. You are not sure whether she had change her decision or remain the same as before. You feel like confessing your love to her again. Would you do it again or would you not do it again?My ans is I would wait for the girl to give me some hints that she is willing to accept me. What kind of hints to look out for, that I really don't know. So I would wait patiently until that time come. So in the mean time I would continue to treat this girl like a princess, continue to care for her etc. Make her smile each day and make her feel that you are that Mr Right.Curious about who ask these qn?? Haha I can't say becoz I swear in front of that person that I won't disclose the identity. But friend that is my own opinion and NOT my advise to you. My advise will definitely be different. And Pear stop making life difficult for that person. OPPS!!!Haha.I found myself laughing lesser nowadays. Even when I laugh, I am forcing myself to do so. What's happening to me.
; You promised me the sunrise,
under that tree at 9:45 AM ♥
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Ok today went to orchard 1st to buy my belt. After that went to MS today with da mei, er mei and xiao mei. And as usual xiao mei was late. Haha won't blame her coz she got me a kinder buenoing. And I think she was caught in the rain. Thx leh xiao mei really appreciate it. I am buenoing. We went to pizza hut to eat. And er mei very evil sia keep adding the cheese to all my food. I sure gain weight liao. Thx ar er mei. Haha then we went arcade to play and went shopping around. I keep kena shoot by them. 7 weeks nv see them and they are getting from bad to worse. Haha juz kidding la. Then went to TOPMAN not TOPSHOP( later kena shoot again). I went to try a shirt and er mei say I look like a clown. Thx again er mei. Then went star buck to rest coz xiao mei tired. Leave the place around 6 pm coz we got something on . Haha have fun in the afternoon but not so in the evening. Why?? Continue reading lor.
(I can say it here coz they dunno my blog)Evening went to meet Khoo yu, Kent, Joseph, Yvonne, Xing siew and her bf. Damn fuck up coz Khoo yu say there will be more ppl coming and in the end only this few people came. It's really damn pathetic. Then talk about some army stuffs. I seriously damn hate that Joseph. Coz he look down on PES C ppl. He keep saying we are always slacking and nv do anything. Hey FUCK YOU ASSHOLE. We did chiong, excercise and go for training. Our training is like PES A and B but juz that we only have 7 weeks. I think he should shut his damn big and arrogance mouth coz he did not see our training and how we train so what gives him the right to say PES C people. Some people juz like to show off man. Keep arguing with him for a while then lazy to bother him anymore. Then went shopping after that. Again is like Khoo yu making all the decision and we all have to follow him. I think he is really stupid coz he want to spend $35 for a ugly looking shades. He keep asking us for suggestion and when we gave him our suggestion, He keep arguing that it is nice and giving those lame excuses. Then what is the point of asking us. Seriously I think he got problem. But my impression of Kent change. He is better than before. I think NS really change him. But he is still arrogance. One thing that I dun feel angry is xing siew and yvonne say I lose weight le. Haha. I am so winning the bet my sisters. Other than that, really hate this evening. And the food, it really dun taste that great.
Don't I look great in this photo? Cute?? OF COZ!!! Haha. Juz kidding only.
(No stealing of this photo and embarrass me in your blog or whatever. Those caught doing that will be punish severly. Try me. Haha.)
; You promised me the sunrise,
under that tree at 12:10 AM ♥
Thursday, December 18, 2008
I am giving my 100%.
I am not perfect.
Please don't ask so much from me.
Pleas don't ask me to do things which I can't.
I hate it when you are so unreasonable.
I hate it when you are in the wrong and you don't even realise it.
Is it so hard to say "I am sorry."
Does everything mean nothing to you anymore?
You may not care but I do.
All I can say is I am utterly disappointed.
From: *****
; You promised me the sunrise,
under that tree at 1:10 AM ♥
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Monday went out with bro and see yong in the morning. Went to jurong point 1st coz my bro passing something to his friend. So in the mean time I went to shop alone at jurong point. After that meet them again and went chinatown. Haha I went to buy one big box of egg tarts. Super nice man. So long nv eat liao. Then at night meet ee wen, jean and jun wen for frog prorridge at geylang. It's my first time going geylang. Haha. We order the oyster egg and pork ribs beside the prorridge. Super duper delicious man. Seriously I think I am going to gain weight if I continue eating like this. Then went to amk hub to watch twilight. I almost fall asleep.Tuesday went to zoo with khoo yu and xiang ying. Was suppose to go there with mindy on sunday but cancel the trip coz raining. So today went with the guys instead. Haha finally the zoo change their show. But still not so nice coz very short. The children section change a lot. Much better than last time. And there was this new ferry that take the tourist around. Some more I don't even think they can see any animals lor. For me I think it's a waste of money coz I always took a boat on sunday. Haha. When we went to the frog section suddenly feeling guilty coz I juz ate their kind last night. And as usual, I don't dare to go near the spider exhibit coz I hate/ scare of them. So disgusting la. And ya first time seeing them feeding the snake. Saw the snake swallowing the whole rat down. Hmm it would be better if it was a live rat and not dead rat. When I saw a lot of couple down there, I was like "sianz go with wrong ppl liao la." Haha. Then went home around 6p.m. Having fever now sia. Temperature is 38.1. So my feeling now is so sux.Suddenly feel like eating home made cookies. Who want to bake for me?? If a girl bake for me then I will be your new boyfriend coz I am single now. Haha juz kidding only la. I am not a good guy. Haha 5 more days man.
; You promised me the sunrise,
under that tree at 10:42 PM ♥
Monday, December 15, 2008
Someone force me to blog this so this is going to be a boring entry. So people I think you can ignore this entry. Haha.
I still remember the first time I saw her was September 2007. She was working part time at techmex which is my IPP company. When I first saw her, I thought that she was those kinds of girls who are very lazy and not serious about their work. All they ever care about is playing, clubbing and don’t do work. In other word bu zhen jin. Haha but my opinion of her start to change as the days goes by. I notice that she always complete her work on time and do what she is supposed to do. Then one of my poly friend who is in the same company as me during IPP told me that he likes her. (Some of you should know who). He says that when he saw her, he will be full of energy etc. Shall not go into details of what he told me. Haha. Anyway I try to help him by finding her Friendster account. When I found it I gave the link to my poly friend. So he went to add her. The following things that I am going to say may be a bit confusing so try as hard as you can to understand it. Ok she was quite surprise that my poly friend went to add her on Friendster. So she went to ask him why he adds her and how he knew her Friendster account. And this is what my poly friend reply “My friend went to find your Friendster account and gave me the link so I went to add you.”(This is what he told me when I ask him what he reply back to her) And do you all know what the problem here is? The only friend that my poly friend had in techmex is me. So obviously she will know it is me who had nothing to do and went to Friendster to find her account and gave the link to the poly friend. That is when she thought I like her and that explains why I went to search for her account. However, during that time I don’t like her and I am only trying to help my poly friend. Unfortunately she had no idea. So she was waiting for me to make my move but I didn’t do anything. So she decided to make the move herself. She keeps doing things to get my attention. For instance I always like to adjust my chair to the lowest and while I was away for lunch she will secretly went to adjust it to the highest. Again during lunch she will go and mess my laptop and desk. But unknown to her I was very angry with the person who keep messing my things EVERYDAY. And at that time I have no idea she was the culprit. (In case some of you are wondering how I know these things, well she told me herself when we were together) But even if she didn’t do any of these things I think I will still fall in love with her. I found myself attracted to her every single day. Secretly peeping at her to see what she is doing(not pervert) and every morning I will always look at the entrance to see if she is coming for work. I still remember her secretly putting a small slip of paper into my drawer. I never tell anyone about this because the content of the paper was crap la. It is not worth mentioning. And I think I am also very stupid that time. She will always sit the empty chair next to me when she is taking a small break or talking to her friend. I always try to act cool when she sat next to me. Come to think of it I think it’s a stupid behaviour. I still remember one very weird behaviour of her in techmex. Every time when I went to the pantry, she will suddenly walk in front of me and say hi to me.
When she left the company near the end of October, I felt lonely and empty. Even after my IPP I always keep thinking about her and even dream of her. So I decide to add her on MSN. And when I add her, I don’t have the courage to talk to her. But guess what?? She started the conversation first. From early November to late December, we keep talking only on MSN. We did plan to meet up but the plan was always screw up due to the never ending projects and tests. And finally during Christmas we did meet up. I found out something during that day. Cannot mention here. And I got a confession to make too. I gave her cookies during Christmas and told her that it was made by me. Well actually I lie it was made by my friend. And I should have tried it first before giving it to her. The cookies were so hard la. We also have a wonderful countdown together at Marina. And the following months we have been going out. We did have some minor argument. And all this thank to some backstabbers. That is when I learnt something “don’t trust anyone easily even if he/she is very close to you.” As a result only a handful of people know about my progress with her. We celebrate valentine together at a later date. Shall not say why. And the two of us are very funny man. It’s like we can read each other mind. We both brought a watch for each other. And I also bake a cake for her during valentine. And for some reason it taste like bacon. This is the first time I did so many things for a girl. Haha.
On 10th march 2008 we were officially together. During these period of times is the happiest time of my life. We did many things together and learn many things together. I still remember one very funny incident. She thought my birthday was on the 8th march. So she plans to celebrate it for me. And I was very evil because I did not tell her that she remembers the date wrongly so I just play along. And we still countdown to 8th march together. And when I told her the truth, her reaction was damn funny. I will remember it for the rest of my life coz it was really funny. She did a lot of darling things too. For instance, she went to tick off a boyfriend for neglecting his girlfriend coz the guy keeps playing PSP. She went to change her food when the guy at Burger King serves her cold food. You don’t see girl doing that in Singapore. That is why I like her. Haha I don’t like girl who do things normal instead I like girl who do things differently. All I can say is she is an interesting girl. Because of her training and job, the time that we spend together is shorter and shorter. And in the end it is over for us. Do I feel sad? Yup definitely and pain too. I love her and I love her like I haven’t love anyone and I didn’t even think it was possible to love someone this much. Till now I still want to be with her. But is it even possible? I don’t know the answer but deep down in my heart I know it is impossible. If we are back together, there are many things which both of us have to sacrifice and we don’t want to be selfish. I am content that she returns what I feel and I do know it is there.
Oh ya did I mention I like girl with her hairstyle? I am especially attracted to girls with that kind of hairstyle. Haha so don't be surprise if I keep looking at girls with that kind of hairstyle.
; You promised me the sunrise,
under that tree at 12:15 AM ♥
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Ok shall talk about friday. Went to dte nyny to eat. And exchange gift with LATE QUEEN. Wait almost 2 hrs for her. But I am not gonna blame her coz at least she bother to take some time and have dinner with me. Soooo touch man. But still enjoy myself. Haha I brought a Ipod shuffle for her and hope she like it even though it is GREEN in colour. I really like her gift too. VERY UNIQUE. Haha.

Haha still got one more week before I go back and I muz really enjoy myself 1st otherwise really no time for me.
Today meet the gays. Finally sia. Went to play arcade and pool. As usual I suck big time. Tml gg to zoo with LATE QUEEN and her cousin. Somehow I think I am gg to wait very long again.
; You promised me the sunrise,
under that tree at 11:57 PM ♥
Friday, December 12, 2008
Ok have been going out these few days and eating like hell so cfm will gain weight de. Monday and tue went back camp coz kena helper for the POP. Wednesday meet ee wen and jean. Quite paiseh for me coz they were shopping at the ladies corner. Then went to fish and co to eat. I eat a lot. Wahaha. Haha whole day I only brought a pack of choco. Thur meet them again coz gg to NYP to have lunch with Ms lim. Went to the chinese resturant at grass root for buffet. The food was not bad. Can consider going back again. Then ee wen and Jean went to cut hair and dye hair. I wait for about 2 hrs then I left coz meeting my bro for dinner at city hall. Suppose to meet those gays but they ps last minutes. Looking forward to friday. Haha.And I juz learnt something about the fuel of the car. F does not mean fuel full but fuel finish and E does not mean fuel empty but fuel enough. This theory is invented by er mei. Haha. I think this theory is so marvelous that it can win a nobel prize.Do you know that one of the worst feelings in the world is to know that you have lost in touch with the people who matters to you. You know about their whereabouts. You get to see them. You feel connected. But deep inside you know there's a change. You wish time goes back. You hope for time to stop at the good times. You don't know how to get them back. You feel lost. Actually, you ARE lost because they don't care a damn shit about you. And I am going to do the same to them. Christmas is coming!!! And muz buy present for so many ppl. Suddenly realise that having many friends is not that good after all. Haha. Hmm maybe I should keep my circle of friends to about 5 only. Wahaha. All I want for christmas is you.
; You promised me the sunrise,
under that tree at 12:23 AM ♥
Monday, December 8, 2008
POC LOH!!!! Finally I am a private le and I am so going to miss the guys. Even though we only know each other for 7 weeks. Haha. I am having 14 days leave and I dunno what to do during the two weeks sia. Most probably going to eat a lot. Sat went out with ee wen, jean and jun wen. Went to eat, shop and watch movie. We watch bolt. It's a nice show and I like it. Sun meet them again but this time plus ben. Went to vivo to shop. Then saw khoo yu there. When I went home and switch on my laptop, receive a lot of e-mails from someone who made me angry. The content is very interesting and funny so I decided to forgive her. Haha.Tml is my bro and Pear last paper. And Pear will be going to Paris on Wednesday. Left me alone in Spore. Lucky I still got the guys to company me coz they oso POP liao. Wahaha.Thur will be meeting my gays. So long nv see them le. Miss them so damn much. Wahaha. This friday may be having a early christmas celebration with Mindy. Celebrate very early right. But no choice coz she will be taking 2 weeks break to go oversea with her parent which mean her christmas will be at oversea. Envy her sia. And Mindy apology accepted. Haha. This christmas I want something related to F1. So you know what to do this friday Mindy??? Haha.Still need to buy my bro christmas present. He is so addicted to gundam now so may get him something related to it. Then still got Pear, Mindy, Ah poon, Vincent and many more. I think I will go broke. Haha.OH ya one more thing. The rumors that so of you heard about me is true. Haha so wait for my good new. Haha can't say it here coz it's a secret.
; You promised me the sunrise,
under that tree at 11:05 AM ♥